Working Time Regulations: What is the correct way to calculate holiday pay?

Following on from her article last month on Harpur Trust v Brazel, Joanne Moseley reviews the impact that other key cases have had on how much holiday pay workers are entitled to receive Since workers must not be discouraged from taking leave, the pay they receive while absent must generally correspond to what they would …
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Working Time Regulations: Part-year workers get holiday pay bonanza

Employers must revisit their holiday pay calculations for term-time-only workers and other staff who work for part of the year under permanent or continuous contracts, warns Joanne Moseley All workers have a fixed and universal right to 5.6 weeks’ holiday and employers can only adjust this when someone’s employment starts or ends part way through …
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Public holidays: The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – when are workers entitled to paid time off?

With the long weekend for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee approaching in June, Katie Spearman explains whether workers will be entitled to an extra day off and considers some of the tricky issues when it comes to public holidays Whether workers will be entitled to an extra day off this year will be determined by the …
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Holiday pay: Plumbing the depths

Stephen Ratcliffe and Richard Cook discuss what the latest twist in the calculation of variable holiday pay means for employers and their advisers Misclassified workers who have taken their Euro leave but not been paid for it can now roll over all of this leave indefinitely. Holiday pay has generated complex case law for many …
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Working time: The four-day week – is it right for your organisation?

Fiona Herrell weighs up the pros and cons of moving to a four-day working week with no loss of pay for staff Rolling out a four-day week on a trial basis will be the best way for employers to assess whether this way of working is suitable for their organisation and to iron out any …
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Secondary employment: What to do if an employee is working another job

Neha Thethi discusses the legal and practical issues to consider when an employee is working two jobs If an employer discovers that a member of staff is doing a second job, it should check their contract of employment before taking any action. Since the start of the pandemic, growing numbers of employees have seen an …
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Working hours: Sleep-in shifts and other tricky issues

Following the Mencap decision, Emma Burrows and Anna Scott look at how to measure workers’ hours for the purpose of calculating the minimum wage and compliance with the Working Time Regulations It is necessary to distinguish between whether an individual is actually working or is only available for work. The Supreme Court has delivered its …
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