Public children: The proportionality of intervention

Manisha Marwaha analyses a Supreme Court decision on the role of the appeal court and the need for options and mitigations to be properly assessed before public law orders are made Re H-W helpfully adds clarity to the role of the appellate court in circumstances where, understandably given the profound effects of the decision to …
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International children: Across the seas

Dorothea Gartland and Maria Wright provide a guide to inter-country placements of children and the assessment of potential long-term carers At the heart of cases where overseas kinship placements are contemplated is a delicate balance of rights, ensuring that children are afforded the right to live with extended family overseas where this is possible, but …
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Relocation: Putting the pieces together

Rayner Grice provides a reminder of the courts’ approach to relocation, within the context of the increased variety and complexity of family life ‘The court will wish to see a well-considered plan that is well thought through, and most importantly is in the child’s best interests.’ Gone are the days when the nuclear family was …
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Relocation: Full picture

Jennifer Moore examines the approach of the courts on an application to relocate a child, and the factors that will be taken into account ‘The court will consider the positives and negatives of each available option for the child (or children) concerned, and then will undertake a parallel analysis of those options.’Case law sets out …
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Adoption: Special considerations

Zoë Fleetwood outlines guidance provided by the Court of Appeal regarding adoption proceedings where a placement order is opposed by a parent ‘This article focuses on F (A Child) [2013], a Court of Appeal judgment that provides the practitioner with a thorough examination of the proper interpretation of the law required to make a placement …
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Adoption: A fresh approach?

Matthew Maynard highlights the wider implications of the Court of Appeal decision in Re B-S ‘The Court of Appeal used the judgment in Re B-S as an opportunity to set out what was deemed to be their “serious concerns” about the manner in which courts have approached “non-consensual” adoption.’ The summer of 2013 has been …
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Fostering: Poor relation?

In the first of a two-part article Duncan Ranton discusses changes ahead for fostering and its inter-relationship with adoption ‘The government has not been coy about declaring its commitment to vulnerable children, which it seeks to evidence by speeding up adoption processes.’ All too often, fostering is treated as adoption’s poor relation. In the current …
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