Equality Act: The extent of protection for political beliefs

The EAT has recently considered whether an employee was protected from discrimination on the grounds of his socialist beliefs. Rebecca McGuirk analyses the case ‘Religion or belief is one of the “nine protected characteristics” covered by the Equality Act. Where possible, in the employment context, the Equality Act takes a consistent approach across the nine …
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Discrimination: Is it time to legislate on caste?

Katharine McPherson and Katherine Shaw weigh up whether the government needs to amend the Equality Act to make clear that it prohibits caste discrimination ‘Given the complexities in defining caste, there is no obvious answer as to where caste belongs within the definitions used in the Equality Act 2010.’ The case of Begraj v Heer …
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Philosophical Belief: Do you believe in fairies?

Mark Levine and Laura Ford consider whether the tribunals are becoming more willing to accept claims that an employee’s beliefs have been infringed ‘The initial cases decided under the Regulations were relatively unsurprising and the beliefs put forward seem to have largely been judged by comparison to religions and religious beliefs.’ In 2003 the Employment …
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