Declarations of parentage: Finding closure

Mollie van Geest and Heidi Molloy set out the considerations and conclusions reached on applications by adult adoptees as to the status of their birth fathers At first glance, there appears to be a conflict as to whether it is possible to obtain a declaration of parentage in respect of someone who is, in law, …
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Adoption: Time for a change?

June Venters QC explores the evolution of adoption law and asks, based on both her personal and professional experiences, whether the law as to post-adoption contact should be reviewed Before any application for post-adoption contact is considered, there needs to have been a thorough investigation into the extent of any abuse perpetrated and the significant …
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Declarations of parentage: From another perspective

Richard Adams highlights the tension between the legislative provision and public policy considerations where a declaration is sought in relation to an adopted child A declaration of parentage is intended to be an authoritative statement of the fact so declared, while the effect of an adoption order is as to the legal status of the …
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Step-parents: Rights, remedies and recognition

Emily Watson and Artemis Michael provide a guide to key legislation and case law that applies as to the options available to a step-parent in relation to a step-child Adoption is the most secure way to ensure a married or unmarried step-parent may remain in a child’s life, as the step-parent becomes a permanent and …
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Adoption: A broad church

Andrew Scott sets out the approach taken to an application for adoption by a party to a relationship which had ended after the birth of the child The issue of whether there is an enduring family relationship is a question of fact and degree and a matter for the court to consider in every case. …
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International children: Across the seas

Dorothea Gartland and Maria Wright provide a guide to inter-country placements of children and the assessment of potential long-term carers At the heart of cases where overseas kinship placements are contemplated is a delicate balance of rights, ensuring that children are afforded the right to live with extended family overseas where this is possible, but …
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Step-parent adoption: Balancing act

Jessica Keal looks at an adoption case involving a consideration of Thai law and human rights issues On an application for adoption, any restriction on a biological father’s human rights must be proportionate in light of the benefits to be gained by the child. In Re H (Step-Parent Adoption) [2020], the court was concerned with …
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