Contractual discretion: The age of reason?

David Hall, Tom Whittaker and Harry Jewson condense the lessons to be learned five years post-Braganza ‘In those cases where a Braganza term has been implied, there is a clear justification that the term is necessary in order to prevent, or protect against, an abuse of power by the decision-maker.’ In Braganza v BP Shipping …
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Contracting: Discretion is the better part of valour

Jason Rix examines contractual discretion and absolute contractual rights ‘Where a contract is found to include a contractual discretion, the authorities show it will be subject to an implied term that the person exercising the discretion does so honestly and in good faith, with regard to the contract.’ Freedom of contract is a common term …
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Contract: Making your mind up

Tom Whittaker weighs up the judicial scrutiny of contractual discretion ‘Historically, the court has required only that the relevant decision be made without arbitrariness, capriciousness and irrationality. More recent cases, however, suggest that the court may also require that the decision be reasonable.’ Contracts often confer obligations to make decisions, exercise discretion or form opinions …
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