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Vicarious liability: Taking the rap for rogue employees

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Mr Mikhaylyuk (M), a manager for the first respondent, NOUK, with responsibility for negotiating the charters of vessels owned by companies within the Novoship group, the remaining respondents, owed fiduciary duties to all the respondents. M had arranged a series of schemes by which he defrauded his principals and enriched himself and others by the payment of bribes given to him by those who chartered his principals’ vessels. These schemes included one concerning vessels chartered to companies owned and controlled by Mr Ruperti (R) which R then sub-chartered at substantially higher rates...
In connection with a transaction dating back to 1986 the respondent paid $6,520,190 to a solicitor in England to be held in trust on terms that it should not be released until certain funds were made available to him in Nigeria. The solicitor pocketed $500,000 and, in fraudulent breach of trust, paid out the balance to the appellant’s account with Midland Bank in London. It was alleged that the appellant was a party to the fraud. The respondent obtained permission to serve a claim form out of the jurisdiction and an application was made to set aside that permission.
Supperstone J ...
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A Jersey fiduciary services provider known as the Lavy Hancox Group (the LH Group) was, during the 1990s, the forum for fraudulent activities by its beneficial owner, Mr Raymond Bellows (Bellows).
The plaintiff/appellant (a BVI company) was administered by the LH Group. They alleged that the LH Group, unlawfully and without authority, caused US$480,000 to be transferred to an account (the Midland account) held in the name of a subsidiary company, Lavy Hancox Management Ltd.
The defendant/respondent was also in receipt of the LH Group’s fiduciary services: Levy Hancox ...
In 1986, Dr Williams (D) participated in a transaction under which, he alleges, he was defrauded of $6,520,190. He commenced proceedings on 10 March 2010 against Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) alone, asserting that: an English solicitor, Reuben Gale (R), held that sum of money in his client account in trust for D on terms that he would only release it if and when certain funds had been paid in Nigeria; in May 1986 R fraudulently paid away $6,020,190 of the sum held by him for D to the account of CBN with Midland Bank in England; CBN was party to the fraud; and R retained the balance of $5...