High Commissioner for Pakistan in the United Kingdom v Prince Mukkaram Jah, His Exalted Highness the 8th Nizam of Hyderabad [2016] EWHC 1465 (Ch)

December 2016 #165

The underlying claim concerned monies deposited in a new bank account with the National Westminster Bank (the bank) in the name of Mr Rahimtoola, the High Commissioner for Pakistan in London between 16 and 20 September 1948 (the Fund). The monies deposited had belonged to the state of Hyderabad/the 7th Nizam (Hyderabad’s absolute monarch at the time). The state of Hyderabad had been annexed to India between 13 and 18 September 2016. The underlying claim had been brought by Pakistan against the bank. A number of other defendants claiming an interest in the fund had been joined. Consequent...

Pemberton v Pemberton & ors [2016] EWHC 2345 (Ch)

December 2016 #165

This case involved a claim by one of the trustees of the Pemberton Settled Estates, originally created on 31 March 1965, for a variation of the settlement. The first to third defendants were the other trustees of the settlement who had in mind the unborn and unascertained beneficiaries. There were also four adult defendants and four defendants who were minor beneficiaries. All defendants supported the variation.

The claimant proposed the following variation:

a) to set the perpetuity period running afresh for a further 125 years; b) to confer on the trustees additional adminis...

Salinger & anr v HMRC [2016] UKFTT 677 (TC)

December 2016 #165

Donald Paiba Salinger (deceased), who was domiciled in the UK, sought to reduce the inheritance tax burden which would arise on his death by acquiring a reversionary interest in an offshore trust on the basis that it would qualify as excluded property (s48(1) of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984) and then transfer that reversionary interest to the trustees of the Donald Salinger Family Trust (DSFT) on the basis that no loss to the estate would be caused and thus not constitute a transfer of value. These transactions took place before legislation designed to block similar tax planning arrangem...

Barnsley & ors v Noble [2016] EWCA Civ 799

November 2016 #164

Michael and Philip Noble were brothers who built up a substantial property empire known as the Noble Organisation. It had a complex ownership and management structure involving a number of companies and partnerships and certain trusts for the benefit of their respective families. Michael died in 2006. The executors were Philip, his widow Gillian, and John Barnsley (an accountant associated with PricewaterhouseCoopers). There was a demerger of the business side and property side of the Noble Organisation with Philip taking the business assets and Gill taking the property assets. This was ...

Butler & anr v Butler & anr [2016] EWHC 1793 (Ch)

November 2016 #164

The parties were siblings who jointly owned 502 items of 17th century Chinese porcelain gifted to them by their father between 1987 and 1993 (the Butler Family Collection (the BFC)).

In 2012 the defendants and their father formed a partnership to own and merchandise another 208 such items (formerly owned by their father).

After their father’s death disagreement arose as to what should become of the BFC. The claimants sought to have it distributed. The defendants wished to keep it in tact and made available for scholarly study and exhibition and to exploit certain items comm...

Davies & anr v Davies [2013] EWHC 2623 (Ch)

November 2016 #164

Tegwyn and Mary Davies purchased a dairy farm known as Henllan in West Wales in 1972. It comprised a farmhouse, an attached cottage, outbuildings, and 182 acres of land. It was farmed with a nearby farm also owned by them known as Caeremlyn which they had purchased in 1961 (together ‘the farm’). The respondent, Eirian was one of their three daughters. By 1989, she was the only child left at the farm. She had a passionate interest in pedigree milking cows which was the main business of the farm, and it was by this stage clear that she was the only possible candidate to take it over. In th...

Davis v Wiggett [2016] UKUT 358 (TCC)

November 2016 #164

Mr Davis employed Mr Wiggett in his building business from 2007 to 2011. According to Mr Wiggett, they had a common intention to purchase a flat, do it up and let it out. As he already had a mortgage, 68b Queen’s Road, Cheltenham (the flat) was bought in Mr Davis’ sole name for £137,500 in 2008 and, by virtue of their express agreement, on which he relied to his detriment by contributing to the purchase price and working on the property, Mr Wiggett claimed to be a beneficial co-owner under a common intention constructive trust and entitled to half of the equity. Mr Davis, on ...

Erceg v Erceg & ors [2016] NZCA 7

November 2016 #164

The Acorn Foundation trust and the Independent Group trust (‘trusts’) were established by the late Michael Erceg (‘settlor’) in the early 2000’s. The appellant, who was a brother of the Settlor, was included within the classes of both discretionary and ultimate beneficiaries of each of the trusts. He was adjudicated bankrupt on 2 February 2010 and his estate vested in the Official Assignee under the Insolvency Act 2006. He was not discharged from bankruptcy until 12 May 2014 by which time the trusts had been wound up without any distribution being made to the appellant. Having unsuccessf...

Gorbunova v Estate of Boris Berezovsky & ors [2016] EWHC 1829 (Ch)

November 2016 #164

B had been involved in litigation against A and the AP family (the litigation) from which he potentially stood to recover large sums of money. The claimant, G, was B’s long-term partner. In March 2012 the litigation deed was drawn up to reflect agreement between B and G regarding G’s entitlement to B’s assets (including the litigation). B subsequently lost his case against A and entered into settlement discussions with the AP family. The litigation agreement was a further document signed in September 2012 to reflect an agreement between B and G concerning her entitlement to any sums from...

Poole & anr v Everall & anr [2016] EWHC 2126 (Ch)

November 2016 #164

This was a challenge to the formal and substantial validity of the last will of David Poole (the testator) dated 26 December 2012 (the December will) on the grounds of want of due execution, want of knowledge and approval, lack of testamentary capacity and undue influence.

The testator (who died on 19 March 2013) had suffered severe physical and psychiatric injuries following a motorcycle accident in 1985. The December will had been prepared by Mr Everall, the first respondent, who had been the testator’s paid carer/’supporting landlord’ since 1994. The December ...