Martin v Martin [2019] WTLR 181

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Spring 2019 #174

A company was incorporated by the husband and a friend in 1978 as equal shareholders. The husband and wife started living together in 1986, and married in 1989. At this point, the husband acquired 99% of the shares and the wife 1%. They separated in 2015.

On a wife’s application for a financial remedy order, the judge found that the capital assets were £182m in properties and pension funds, and 100% of the shares in a private company, which he valued at £221m before tax and costs of sale. He found that 80% of the company’s value was marital property, by applying a straight-line ap...

P v P [2015] EWCA Civ 447

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | July/August 2015 #151

A husband and wife met in 1999 and married in 2003. They had one child together, of primary school age at the time of the proceedings. In 2005 the husband and wife moved into a farmhouse owned by the husband’s parents. In 2009 the husband’s parents settled the farmhouse on a discretionary trust for the benefit of their children and remoter descendants. Subject to the power to appoint the capital and income to the discretionary beneficiaries, the farmhouse was held on trust to pay the income to the husband for life, and it was declared that the making of any land comprised within the trus...

K v L [2012] WTLR 153

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | January/February 2012 #116

On H’s ancillary relief claim, Bodey J awarded him a sum of £5m pursuant to an open offer made by W. W had assets worth approximately £57m and H had assets of approximately £300,000, represented by the former matrimonial home which was transferred to him by W in the course of the divorce. The couple began cohabiting in Israel in 1986, and underwent a ceremony of marriage that was not valid under Israeli law. They married legally in England in 1991, where they have lived ever since. The length of the relationship was 21 years and there are children from the marriage. Substantially the who...