Re LMS [2020] WTLR 1345

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Winter 2020 #181

The applicant was the mother and an attorney of LMS, a 21 year old who had been assessed on 11 July 2020 as lacking capacity to make financial decisions. LMS’s grandfather had died, having made a will under which 30% of his residuary estate was held in trust for LMS contingently on attaining the age of 25. LMS was in receipt of a means-tested benefit, Employment and Support Allowance, and her placement in a specialist residential college was funded by the local authority, the residential component of which was also means tested. Her right to receive those means-tested benefits would ceas...

A & ors v K & ors [2019] WTLR 335

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Summer 2019 #175


W, who died some years ago, established several settlements (referred to generally as ‘the General Family Trusts’), either directly or by trustees to whom he had provided funds. The value of the General Family Trusts was very substantial indeed. W had been married several times and had a large family. A representation was issued in respect of two of the General Family Trusts: the Y Trust and the Z Trust. The trustee companies of both of the trusts were amongst the respondents.

It had been W’s wish that after his death, in the administration of ...

XCC v AA & ors [2012] EWHC 2183 (COP)

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | November 2012 #124

DD has severe learning disabilities, little language, little comprehension of anything other than very simple matters and needs assistance with almost all aspects of her daily life. Her parents are from Bangladesh, but the family has been brought up in Britain and are British citizens. DD married AA (said to be her cousin) in 2003 in Bangladesh. AA eventually gained a spousal visa in 2009 and moved in with DD and her parents, sharing DD’s bedroom and bed. DD’s marriage came to the attention of the learning disabilities team of XCC, leading to concerns about her welfare. The police obtain...