The Law Society v Dua & anr [2021] WTLR 1469

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Winter 2021 #185

Between 2011 and 2013, the claimant obtained multiple charging orders in respect of five properties registered in the joint names of Mr and Mrs Dua. The Duas occupied four of the properties as a single residence, known together as ‘Fulmer House’. The other was a separate property known as 49 Sudbury Avenue.

The Duas had purchased 49 Sudbury Avenue in 1987 and occupied it as their family home until 2004. The purchase had been funded by a mortgage and the Duas’ evidence was that Mr Dua alone had made the mortgage payments. In 1992/93 and 1995, there were two major extensions to 49 S...

Gandesha & anr v Gandesha & ors [2020] WTLR 905

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Autumn 2020 #180

The claim involved a 14-bedroomed property in London (the property) which was purchased in 1991 and held upon trust for five brothers as tenants in common in equal shares. It was intended from the outset that the property should be a home for all the brothers and their families. A declaration of trust was executed in June 2015 in order to formalise the arrangement between the brothers.

By the declaration of trust it was declared that the brothers held the property upon trust for sale with power to postpone the sale, and upon trust as to the proceeds of sale and the net rents and p...

Butler & anr v Butler & anr [2016] EWHC 1793 (Ch)

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | November 2016 #164

The parties were siblings who jointly owned 502 items of 17th century Chinese porcelain gifted to them by their father between 1987 and 1993 (the Butler Family Collection (the BFC)).

In 2012 the defendants and their father formed a partnership to own and merchandise another 208 such items (formerly owned by their father).

After their father’s death disagreement arose as to what should become of the BFC. The claimants sought to have it distributed. The defendants wished to keep it in tact and made available for scholarly study and exhibition and to exploit certain items comm...