Re McKeen [2013] EWHC 3639 (Ch)

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | April 2014 #138

The main action was a contentious probate dispute in which the defendant, who was the younger sister of the deceased, sought to overturn all of his five wills on the grounds of lack of testamentary capacity. The deceased had suffered from severe schizophrenia throughout his lifetime. The claimants were the residuary legatees of his final will, entitling them to the lion-share of the deceased’s considerable estate. In his main judgment, the judge accepted that the deceased’s condition was severe. He acknowledged that this placed the burden of proof on the claimants to establis...

CPR Part 36: Pitch perfect

Michael Morton outlines recent case law considering the use and practice of CPR Part 36 ‘To eliminate chance and create certainty, litigators will look to the precise effects of CPR 36 to ensure successful recovery of costs.’ An assessment of recent case law from a small road traffic accident claim to a substantial multi-party building …
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