Musings from Manchester: Updating trusts

Geoffrey Shindler examines the scope of the Law Commission’s latest project I am sure none of us will object to a wholesale review of trust law so long as it is done on the basis that there are problems which need to be resolved. What we do not need is reform, ie change, for its …
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Musings from Manchester: If it ain’t broke…

Geoffrey Shindler questions recent changes to the probate process, which have created delays for practitioners and their clients Probate is now becoming contentious, not in the sense of clients arguing with each other but rather because of the frustration that practitioners and clients are experiencing as a result of current changes to the probate system. …
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Musings from Manchester: What’s on your wish list?

In view of the ongoing consultations on reforming the tax system, Geoffrey Shindler debates its philosophical basis Currently, there are consultation papers which are being considered by us on inheritance tax (the tax on death and other events) and the tax on capital gains tax so I am wondering whether we now have the opportunity …
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