Planning update: LURB and reforms to national planning policy

Fiona Sawyer reviews the government’s consultation on reforms to national planning policy along with the draft NPPF The current five-year housing land supply buffers of 5%, 10% or 20% will be removed, and LPAs will be able to include historic oversupply in their five-year housing land supply calculations. As promised by the Secretary of State …
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Planning update: The autumn statement and more

Fiona Sawyer provides a brief summary and analysis of the impact on planning reform of the Autumn Statement and the government’s subsequent announcements We’ve been told that the investment zones programme is not abandoned altogether, but will instead be ‘refocused’ to ‘catalyse a limited number of the highest potential knowledge-intensive growth clusters’ centred on universities …
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Dear Prime Minister: A planning and environmental wish list

After a summer of hustings, debates and garden party faux pas, a new Prime Minister is now finally in Number 10. Nicola Gooch and Claire Petricca-Riding provide a mini planning manifesto The country urgently needs to find local and reliable alternatives to imported gas and oil reserves. We do not have the luxury of time. Pinning all our …
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Planning reform: The Levelling Up agenda

Fiona Sawyer considers what the Levelling Up White Paper says about taking forward the Planning White Paper planning reforms From a planning law perspective, closer attention must now be paid to what the Levelling Up White Paper has to say. At a Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee meeting held on 7 March 2022, the …
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Net zero: Impact on real estate

Gary Ritter, Marianne Anton, Nicholas Davies and Toby Hunt consider the government’s key commitments as set out in its Net Zero Strategy and what this means for landlords, investors and developers The risk is the strategy is not ambitious enough and without clear cut-off dates and better targeted financial assistance, change will be too slow …
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