O’Kelly v Davies [2014] EWCA Civ 1606

March 2016 #157

This appeal concerned a dispute over the beneficial ownership of the property whose legal title was at all times held by the appellant alone. At trial, the judge made the following findings:

  1. (i) A former property had been purchased in the joint names of the respondent and appellant in 1987.
  2. (ii) In 1991 the legal estate in that property was transferred into the sole name of the appellant to allow her to claim benefits as though she was a single woman living alone. The outstanding mortgage on that property at the time was converted to an endowment secured by a policy...

Khaira & ors v Shergill & ors [2012] EWCA Civ 983

December 2012 #125

In October 1987, the Birmingham Gurdwara (a Sikh place of worship) was purchased by four individuals and then by a deed dated 15 January 1991 the original trustees declared trusts of this property. They were trustees of the religious organisation following the teaching of His Holiness the First Holy Saint resident at Nirmal Kutia in the Punjab India ‘or his successor’. Clause 5 of the trust deed allowed the First Holy Saint ‘or his successor’ to remove trustees and appoint new trustees.

Sant Baba Jeet Singh Ji Maharaj (the ninth claimant) purported to retir...

RCPO v C WTLR(w) 2010-03

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