Burgess & anr v Hawes & ors [2011] UKFTT 687 (TC)

April 2012 #118

Zoe Hamar (Z) was notified of an assessment to capital gains tax (CGT) for 2002/03 under s282 of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act (TCGA) 1992, in a letter dated 18 August 2009. Prior to that date she had been unaware of the liability that arose from her father, Mr Rogerson (R)’s transfer of three flats to her, one in 2001/02 and two in 2002/03. These transfers gave rise to a CGT liability which was unpaid at his death in June 2003. Following an enquiry by HMRC into R’s tax returns, an amendment was made to his 2002/03 return on 25 July 2007 and, although...

Rogge & ors v HMRCC [2012] UKFTT 49 (TC)

April 2012 #118

There were three joined appeals, namely that of R who had paid interest under a loan to the trustees of a trust of which he was the settlor and those of K and the trustees of a trust in which K, the settlor, was interested. K had paid rent to the trustees of a trust under which he was a settlor and of which he was the life tenant. All appealed income tax assessments on the basis that it is impossible for a taxpayer to be taxed on his own expense. Parliament could not have intended s660A(1) of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 to have this effect. Section 660...