Tachi v Woodward [2019] WTLR 695

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Summer 2019 #175

The Claimant issued proceedings in October 2016 inviting the Court to pronounce against the will of the deceased dated 12 June 2007 and in favour of an earlier will dated 10 October 2006, which appointed the Claimant and one other as executors. The Defendant was the sole executor and beneficiary of the 2007 will. After the close of pleadings, directions were given and the matter listed for trial with a time estimate of 5 days, to commence on 5 November 2018.

On 6 March 2018 the Claimant invited the Defendant to consent to the deceased’s previous solicitors, Dixon Ward, being autho...

Contested wills: Late for a very important date

Fiona Lawrence and Julia Hardy explore what it will take for a court to allow a very late amendment to a will challenge claim ‘It is clear from the various authorities that each case turns on its own facts, and that best practice in assessing the merits of each application is to attempt to conduct …
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