Case Report: Qaiyum v Ocado Ltd (Unreported 20 August 2013)

Fixed costs; fast track; exceptions ‘This case illustrates that the courts will take a robust approach to illegitimate attempts to escape the restrictions of fixed costs regimes.’ This case provides a salutary indication of the courts’ approach to what is likely to be an increasingly prevalent issue, namely claimants seeking to exit a fixed costs …
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Road Traffic Accidents: When is a small claim not a small claim?

Paul Jones considers the latest Predictable Costs case ‘Where a claimant has issued proceedings prematurely, possibly with a view to avoiding being limited to Small Claims Fixed Costs, they may assess their Standard Basis costs at a sum equivalent to the costs that would have been payable on the Small Claims Track. This way, the …
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Costs: A distinction without a difference

Paul Jones reviews a recent case that emphasises the discretion judges have when dealing with costs ‘Where a court considers that a party has acted unreasonably and, by virtue of that unreasonable conduct, has obtained a costs order on the standard basis rather than the more prescriptive fixed costs, the court can assess the costs …
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