Family and trusts: Forewarned is forearmed

Claire Blakemore and Jemma Thomas explore how the courts consider assets held in trust upon divorce ‘The cases provide helpful insights into how trust structures will be viewed on divorce, so that we can discern tips and practice points on creating and managing trusts most effectively.’ The court’s approach to assets held in trusts seems …
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Pet Disputes: For richer, for paw(er)

Rebecca Harling reports on the often vexing issue of the ownership of pets on relationship breakdown and the courts’ approach ‘The law in England and Wales regards pets as chattels in the context of a financial settlement, to be divided up in the same manner as the dining room table or television.’ A recent survey …
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Divorce: Stuck in the middle

Claire Blakemore provides a practical guide for trustees in the event of divorce div class=”pullquote”>’Trustees must consider carefully what position they will need to take in the context of the case and in particular on disclosure and enforcement.’ The American preacher Lorenzo Dow famously said ‘damned if you do and damned if you don’t’ and …
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