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Private Client: Careful planning

Nirmalathevie Naidoo (Mrs Naidoo) died on 10 February 2016. Her husband, Dr Govindarajaloo Naidoo (Dr Naidoo), had predeceased her on 12 January 1999. They had two daughters and five sons. The first defendant, David Barton (Mr Barton) (formerly known as Ramamurthie Naidoo), was one of their children, and his wife (Mrs Barton) was the second defendant. The claimant was another of their children.
By this claim, the claimant sought:
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A probate claim was brought in respect of the will of the aforesaid deceased for testamentary incapacity; want of knowledge and approval; rectification; a kind of mutual wills claim and in proprietary estoppel. HHJ McCahill QC held that the parties should be required to deal with each of the wills issues in comparatively short statements, without going back over the decades of family history, which would be necessary for a proprietary estoppel claim. He said that he was persuaded that there was a proper role for a trial of preliminary issues, with the second trial, if necessary, ...
Mrs Barbara Lilleyman applied for reasonable financial provision from the estate of her late husband Mr Roy Lilleyman pursuant to the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 (1975 Act). Nigel and Christopher Lilleyman, who were Mr Lilleyman’s sons from a previous marriage, were the executors of Mr Lilleyman’s estate under his will dated 20 May 2008. Nigel and Christopher Littleman were the principal beneficiaries of Mr Lilleyman’s estate and were the defendants to Mrs Lilleyman’s application.
Mr and Mrs Lilleyman had each been married previously and each had two...