Family and trusts: Forewarned is forearmed

Claire Blakemore and Jemma Thomas explore how the courts consider assets held in trust upon divorce ‘The cases provide helpful insights into how trust structures will be viewed on divorce, so that we can discern tips and practice points on creating and managing trusts most effectively.’ The court’s approach to assets held in trusts seems …
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Divorce: A matter of trust

Oliver Auld gives the lowdown on what happens to trusts in the event of a divorce ‘Trustees need to be aware of not only the range of orders the family courts can make in relation to trust assets, but also the strategies they should potentially be adopting in the best interest of their beneficiaries, both …
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Nuptial Settlements: Consistency is key

Claire Blakemore and Jemma Thomas give the lowdown on trusts and divorce ‘There are examples of cases where the trust was not managed consistently with all of the trust documents. This can be damaging to those seeking to protect trust assets on divorce.’ Establishing whether the court is likely to view the trust as a …
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