Easements By Prescription: Just what the doctrine ordered

European Urban St Pancras 2 Ltd v Glynn confirms that a right to park cars on land can be a legal easement. Nikolas Ireland examines the case. ‘The facts of this case illustrate how important it is for purchasers to inspect fully the land they are buying and raise all necessary enquiries to establish there …
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Easements: How car parking easements can prevent development

Sarah Dawe reviews a case where at long last a right to park a car in a single, identifiable space has been upheld as an easement ‘A burdened landowner does not in general have the unilateral right to extinguish an easement over one area of land simply by providing an equivalent easement somewhere else.’ Car …
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Book Review: Dispelling the rumours

Jamie Kidd finds Stephen Jourdan and Oliver Radley-Gardner’s Adverse Possession an invaluable guide for all practitioners The first edition of Adverse Possession (which confirmed the law up to 31 July 2002) was well timed. It was published shortly after the House of Lords handed down their decision in JA Pye (Oxford)Ltd & ors v Graham …
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