Accommodation claims: Behind the times

Philip M D Grundy, Nick Martin, Edward J P Grundy and Matthew Smith explain why Roberts v Johnstone is no longer applicable ‘There is no doubt that several of the potential solutions identified provide both the tortfeasor and the claimant with a range of practical alternatives to the accommodation conundrum.’ At 38.204, McGregor on Damages …
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Future accommodation: The end of the Roberts v Johnstone award?

Andrew Davis and Juliet Stevens investigate fair compensation for a room of one‘s own ‘The court‘s task in relation to future accommodation is to make an award which ensures a claimant can live in appropriate accommodation for the rest of their life, at no extra cost to themselves and without the burden of borrowing too …
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Case Report: Marsh v Ministry of Justice [2017] EWHC 1040 (QB) (Part 2)

Costs, discount rate, alternative dispute resolution ‘A party who makes serious allegations of misconduct runs a significant risk of being subjected to indemnity costs if they prove unsuccessful.’ In part one, we reported on the judgment for this case, where the Ministry of Justice was found to be liable for a stress-at-work claim. We will …
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Interim Payments: Room for rent

Deidre Goodwin analyses Eeles applications and the case for reviewing Roberts v Johnstone ‘The leit motif running through reported Eeles and trial decisions is that Roberts v Johnstone [1989] is an imperfect solution.’Has the time come to reconsider the validity of the apparently immutable Roberts v Johnstone [1989] principle in order to provide a fairer …
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