The Law Society v Dua & anr [2021] WTLR 1469

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Winter 2021 #185

Between 2011 and 2013, the claimant obtained multiple charging orders in respect of five properties registered in the joint names of Mr and Mrs Dua. The Duas occupied four of the properties as a single residence, known together as ‘Fulmer House’. The other was a separate property known as 49 Sudbury Avenue.

The Duas had purchased 49 Sudbury Avenue in 1987 and occupied it as their family home until 2004. The purchase had been funded by a mortgage and the Duas’ evidence was that Mr Dua alone had made the mortgage payments. In 1992/93 and 1995, there were two major extensions to 49 S...

Trust validity: Oh what a tangled Webb we weave

Tom McPhail reports on the Privy Council decision in Cook Islands case Webb which scrutinises the trust structure and the true reach of the settlor If the powers retained by a settlor are so extensive and of such a nature that they amount to an uncontrolled power to recover the trust property, then the settlor’s …
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Trusts: Lost in translation

Ross Pizzuti-Davidson looks at interpreting foreign law concepts in English law trusts The court’s judgment in PTNZ in relation to the protector’s role may be a welcome clarification given the surprising lack of authority on the point of whether a protector’s consent rights are joint or review powers. International estate planners can find themselves playing …
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Family and trusts: Forewarned is forearmed

Claire Blakemore and Jemma Thomas explore how the courts consider assets held in trust upon divorce ‘The cases provide helpful insights into how trust structures will be viewed on divorce, so that we can discern tips and practice points on creating and managing trusts most effectively.’ The court’s approach to assets held in trusts seems …
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