Inheritance Act: Competing claims

Yorke Eaton and Christopher Noel examine whether the Supreme Court decision in Ilott v The Blue Cross reinforces the principle of testamentary freedom in financial provision cases ‘I(PFD)A 1975 requires a broad-brush approach from the judge to very variable personal and family circumstances.’ On 15 March 2017 the Supreme Court handed down its judgment in …
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Musings From Manchester: Follow the exit signs?

Geoffrey Shindler puts his mind to the neglected question of how Brexit would affect the trusts and estates world ‘We may have to accept that what might benefit a testator in the UK and will currently benefit some person in the EU may not be the case if we are no longer in the EU. …
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Inheritance (Provision For Family And Dependants) Act 1975: After Ilott

Miranda Allardice and Ruth Hughes consider the problem of provision for the adult child under s2 of I(PFD)A 1975 ‘While the definition of maintenance may be wide, identifying a need for maintenance does not mean that the same will be satisfied. The important qualifying phrase is “what would be reasonable in all the circumstances of …
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