Rights of way: Can you change your ways?

Paul Greatholder outlines the case of Gore v Naheed, which considered conflicting case law on whether a right of way used to access an additional piece of land amounts to an easement ‘How easements are created is an important consideration because each easement will need to be looked at in its own context to be …
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ADR: Tough love – an obligation to mediate?

Sapna Garg discusses the recent interim report by the Civil Justice Council Working Group on ADR ‘Perhaps the most significant recent development in this debate is the digital awakening that has occurred in the judicial system and the recent realisation that technology can potentially dispense with a myriad of administrative hurdles prevalent in a non-digitised …
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Development: Putting it all together

Ann Ebberson highlights the importance of ascertaining rights of way and covenants before purchasing land for redevelopment ‘Unlike restrictive covenants, positive covenants do not run automatically with the land and there needs to be a mechanism in the title to ensure that such covenants pass on to successors in title.’ Acquiring land for development can …
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