Schedule 1: Attention to detail

Che Meakins suggests that when dealing with a limited-means Schedule 1 claim, particular care should be taken to quantify means and needs ‘While Schedule 1 claims are not the same as matrimonial proceedings and ought not to be treated as such, the reality is that matrimonial decisions and rationale do tend to be referred to …
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Schedule 1: Missed opportunities

James Brown suggests that Schedule 1 to the Children Act 1989 is underused and looks at the courts’ approach ‘Schedule 1 can be applied to small/medium-asset cases even if the result is that the absent parent will have to sell their property in order to house the applicant and the child.’ Family law practitioners are …
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Children Act 1989, Schedule 1: Alternative route

Edward Kitchen outlines best practice when dealing with a claim under Schedule 1 to the Children Act 1989 ‘Property settlements under Schedule 1 are made with the express purpose of reverting to the settlor once the child reaches majority or completes education.’ At a time when it seems that the traditional family structure appears to …
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Children Act 1989, Schedule 1: The cost of childcare

Rebecca Tarn sets out best practice for a successful Schedule 1 Children Act 1989 claim There appears to be some recognition that given that provision for a child only lasts during their dependency (at which time any property adjustment or settlement will revert to the respondent), the applicant should not be prohibited from making some …
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