Morton v Morton & anr WTLR(w) 2022-05

Wills & Trusts Law Reports | Web Only

Trusts: Who owns what?

Mark Pawlowski examines recent case law on resulting trusts, the presumption of advancement and joint borrowing under a mortgage ‘The court reiterated the view, expressed in Gorman, that prima facie, if the purchase is financed in whole or in part on mortgage, the person who undertook liability for the mortgage repayments, as between joint owners, …
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Constructive trusts: Keeping up with the Jones

Naveed Ali outlines the development of the constructive trust principle to aid cohabitees ‘The court should establish the intentions of the parties with evidence; where intention cannot be inferred, the court may impute an intention which the parties may never have founded.’ The regulation of proprietary rights after a breakdown of marriage is extensive: the …
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